What’s With The Name?

Why Admiration + Respect + Trust = LOVE?

At 1am on a cold winter’s night in Duluth, MN when he could no longer see straight while writing a paper on the socio-economic impact of something-or-other, John turned on the television to discover a movie that he was sure must of been an hallucination. No one would possibly have funded this film that spoke to him so directly, so honestly, and so strangely. But in the morning, the film, TRUST, still existed. Hal Hartley was real. People paid him to make movies. There was hope yet!

But the scene that has resonated most was the awkward marriage proposal and the simple but clear definition:

Admiration + Respect + Trust = LOVE


People are taking the A+R+T=LOVE with them beyond the wedding and into the world!

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